Hey, amigos! We’re back!

Ok, well- we’ve been back for a while… More than a week of travel from my Day of the Dead trip to Merida, then on to Chiapas to scout my next group trip (check out my Facebook account for more info!), a stay at El CID with my mom, saying goodbye to mom, and THEN […]

Pan de Muerto: The Iconic Bread of Day of the Dead in Mexico

Hello friends! It’s October! Ok, we may already be a week or so into it, but in true Trish fashion, I’m a bit late to the game. But MAINLY because I’ve been so busy planning my Día de los Muertos Merida trip! I’m so excited. But with all of the hard work, I am still […]

Is Independence Day the 15th or 16th of September in Mexico?

Viva México! Get ready to celebrate the land of tacos, tequila, and fiestas, because it’s time for Mexican Independence Day! Now, hold your sombreros, because it’s happening this week! If you ask a local for the official date, you’ll get varying answers… And it’s understandable. Festivities really get into full swing on the 15th of […]

The Puerto Morelos Pier is (FINALLY) Getting Fixed!

Ok- so did anyone other than me think that the broken dock was going to become just as iconic as the crooked lighthouse? I mean, it’s been 3 years since it was basically destroyed in a hurricane… But, believe it or not, it’s getting fixed! The popular pier of Puerto Morelos, known for being the […]


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