The Puerto Morelos Pier is (FINALLY) Getting Fixed!

Ok- so did anyone other than me think that the broken dock was going to become just as iconic as the crooked lighthouse?

I mean, it’s been 3 years since it was basically destroyed in a hurricane… But, believe it or not, it’s getting fixed! The popular pier of Puerto Morelos, known for being the heart of the town’s economy and tourism, has been approved for reconstruction after being hit by a hurricane in 2020. Mayor Blanca Merari Tziu Muñoz was able to secure a deal with Sedetur over last weekend, and everyone is thrilled about it!

The mayor stated that the state will cover 50% of the costs, with the remaining half being covered by the municipal government, amounting to over 3 million pesos. That is almost $180,000 USD! Whoa! The pier is essential for aquatic and tourist activities, so everyone is excited to see the reconstruction getting underway.

Mayor Merari Tziu explained that the work will begin once all the environmental permits are approved by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), but don’t worry, the city council personnel will start the preparations in the meantime.

The project has been prepared in conjunction with Sedetur, and the participation of the secretaries of Urban Development, Tourism, and the head of Zofemat Puerto Morelos. The dock is expected to be as good as new in no time, making Puerto Morelos a more attractive spot for tourists and boosting the local economy.

Good news, right?! Let’s just hope we don’t have another active hurricane season like in 2020!!!




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